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Ourchive is a new software package that aims to democratize hosting fanworks on the internet.

Modern features, old-school ethos

With Ourchive, you can create an account, upload works, create bookmarks and collections of bookmarks, and comment on others’ works, bookmarks, and collections.

Ourchive aims to continue a tradition that archives like eFiction started. When you install Ourchive, you get flexible metadata like tags, the ability to upload images and audio, and the ability to administer users, all within an easily installed Django website.

Want to know more? You can check out our roadmap or FAQ.

Get Involved

We are always looking for contributors. You can:

  • Contribute a pull request for any issue you encounter on our repo
  • Ping us on Mastodon or reach us at getourchive@gmail.com to join our Discord community
  • Follow our progress and contribute to open tasks on our task tracking software (note: documentation is a work in progress. Ping us at the above contact links and we will elaborate on any story you’re interested in picking up).

Useful links: